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-   -   Обновленные плагины для Miranda IM (

SergoZD 22.05.2005 14:33

Обновленные плагины для Miranda IM
В данной теме постим ТОЛЬКО новости об обновлении или появлении новых плагинов, локализаций, версий миранды. В обязательном порядке постим ChangeLog с предыдущей версии (если таковой имеется).

Все вопросы о Миранде постим только ЗДЕСЬ
Информация о сборках в общей теме по сборкам или в теме конкретной сборки (при её наличии).

CriS 22.05.2005 17:28

Новая версия Miranda Scripting Plugin (mBot)
Правда довольно интересная :) без документации... например

- quite a few new functions;
- script managment functions;
- new thread resource manager;
- no more 'you must not call php...' message;
- multidimensional, mixed, associative arrays support in mt_set/get var;
- array indexes are no longer broken (when using $keep_idx option for mt_setvar($name,$val,$create,$keep_idx));
- console window fixed;
- many minor changes;
- new constant MBOT_TIMESTAMP;
- IRC support;
- possibility of adding root menu items;
- possibility of calling php services from php;
- standard input dialog is now centered by default;
- mb_SelfSetInfo($desc); //sets script description, must NOT be used before mb_SelfRegister!
- new event MB_EVENT_CONFIG mbe_config(){}; a functon called from the mbot's config page;
- etc;

SergoZD 22.05.2005 19:04

mBot b

- I uploaded wrong file before :(( shame on me...
- Msg box when no configuration available

SergoZD 23.05.2005 00:05

Опять обновился mToolTip, номер версии остался тот же, но и изменение присутствует:

- added support for text coloring (<c=#rrggbb>text</c>)

mBot ака MSP временно не доступен для скачивания с офсайта миранды.

CriS 23.05.2005 09:16

И снова новый тестовый билд Tab_SRMM Pre7 к вашим услугам!!! :yees:

Ченджлог :contract:

* double click works again for closing tabs (even with button tabs)
! bugfix: redraw errors when restoring a maximized container
+ added a help window to the template editor describing all the variables and modifiers.
* 2nd try to fix Ctrl-W and Ctrl-F4 (Win 9x only)
+ added option to force some extra redraws (options -> tabs and layout -> Force more aggressive window updates). If enabled, it will force additional re-draws.
* optimized visual styles rendering on the tab control. Don't draw unneeded stuff.

CriS 23.05.2005 15:38

Профиксенная версия Miranda Scripting Plugin (mBot)

Ченджлог :contract:

- IRC modules listed properly
- no more errors on printing variables

SergoZD 26.05.2005 21:08

Много-много обновлений!

По традиции версия осталась прежней, добавлено:

- fixed problem with PNGImg.dll crashing with unknown image files

+ support for MathModule (requires MathModule.dll v0.3.1.5 or later)
+ support for Macromedia Flash (.swf) files in smileys and [img] BBCode
+ closing messaging window with ESC key
* proper handling of "unevenly" aligned BBCodes
* fixed message grouping

- native ieView-support! since ieview version
- fixed 'Memory-Problem in MathModule'-error (occoured with ieviewMath)
- better transparency in ieviewMath
- better protection against memory leaks

26-05-2005 v0.6.0.12
-Fixed show online users button.

SergoZD 27.05.2005 01:28

ISee dev build (23:54:42 26.05.2005)

[*] do not use DBGetContactSetting any more (thanx George Hazan for hint)
[+] ability to register new UIN![*] revamp first-run dialog a little bit
[-] fixed crash during login with new (empty) profile (original bug)
[+] added Idle API support. also login with idle is supported (going to Away or N/A)[*] added more error info to all families (thanx Angeli-ka for inspiration)
[-] fixed bug with uploading contacts from "manage server's list"[*] improved "manage server's list" - more contacts per packet & etc[*] improved server's side list processing speed
[+] implemented internal cache. rewrite everything using it
[-] added 'Get Caps' button to ICQ tab in user info. now it you can refresh caps & client version
[+] added a lot of manage modes for "manage server's list"[*] removed 'Add extra contacts from the server's list to my list'. now always ON
[-] fixed wierd bug with userinfo update during login that causes disconnect[*] improved adding contacts from find/add contacts window (use found nick)
[-] crash during migrating to new server[*] lot of bugfixes. lot of code rewrites. Huh
Добавлена возможность автоматической регистрации уина! (для этого в настройках, там где вводится уин должно быть пусто)
Проблема с инвизиблами не решена!

SergoZD 27.05.2005 21:27

Как-то незаметно дней 10 назад обновился PopUpPlus до версии

-[bbcode] support extended. ([b][i][u])

-added [color] tag:
where {color} can be from list:
or can be in hex value (#rrggbb - #00ff00 for example)

-added [img] tag support (which using in IE View / IE View Plus):
[img][ /img]

-IconLib support (a bit messy due some uncomplete work with non 16x16 icons) - you can change clock digits

-some minor bugfixes (with transparency option too)
Качать обычную и Unicode версии отсюдова.

SergoZD 28.05.2005 13:16

ISee dev build (00:07:51 30.05.2005)

*** DISABLE ACTIVE STATUS SCAN - IT DOESNT WORK ANY MORE! ***[*] do not use DBGetContactSetting any more (thanx George Hazan for hint)

[+] ability to register new UIN! [*] revamp first-run dialog a little bit
[-] fixed crash during login with new (empty) profile (original bug)
[+] added Idle API support. also login with idle is supported (going to Away or N/A) [*] added more error info to all families (thanx Angeli-ka for inspiration)
[-] fixed bug with uploading contacts from "manage server's list" [*] improved "manage server's list" - more contacts per packet & etc [*] improved server's side list processing speed
[+] implemented internal cache. rewrite everything using it
[-] added 'Get Caps' button to ICQ tab in user info. now it you can refresh caps & client version
[+] added a lot of manage modes for "manage server's list" [*] removed 'Add extra contacts from the server's list to my list'. now always ON
[-] fixed wierd bug with userinfo update during login that causes disconnect [*] improved adding contacts from find/add contacts window (use found nick)
[-] crash during migrating to new server [*] lot of bugfixes. lot of code rewrites. Huh
[-] crash in changeinfo. also possibly in other places
[-] uin was not shown in 'enter password' dialog [*] do not send unicode to Trillians below v3 (fixed)
[-] do not send too long away msg replies (it leads to disconnect). and any other data also :) [*] do not request info on every userinfo window open in less than 24h. (MIM
v4.0.1R needed)
[-] unability to set default privacy status if it was not set during load
[+] added privacy status - "Allow only Contact and Visible lists users to see you" (test it!) [*] small changes, bugfixes & probably something else i forgot about right after it was complete
[-] remade some changes.
[-] prevent offline msgs from being behind last event if clock is behind last event too [*] rename new privacy status to "As previous except Invisible list users" [*] added "Passive Status Discovery" option. if disabled - prevents Hidden statuses & etc [*] "Active Status Discovery" is now off by default again. (new DB key)

[-] fixed regression with some events (auth & etc) introduced in 29 may builds

CriS 02.06.2005 11:42

Любителям Single Mode диалогов в ICQ клиентах... В миранде этот сингл моде возродился !!! Недавно JdGordon'a так вот не по-детски с чего-то переплющило, что он взял да и написал сей плаг!

Качаем отсюда: _


З.Ы. Если кто не в курсе или подзабыл... JdGordon - создатель плагов DbEditor++ и HistoryEditor так что доверие к нему на высоте! Поддержим Австралийского производителя :biggrin:

timsky 03.06.2005 08:40

ISee dev build (00:24:09 03.06.2005)
Чейнджлог такой же как и у предыдущего билда, за исключением этого:

[-] rewrote status change routines. "status" value for NULL was not updated in some cases [*] always show buttons in userinfo\ICQ. it can be helpful to find invisible users in some cases
Качаем: =

flash666 04.06.2005 09:17


+ smileys are now properly copied/quoted (patch by Tweety and Vasilich)
+ uin, uinIn and uinOut variables
* respective real protocol's smileys are used for metacontacts
* bugfix: message grouping
* fixed %base% variable encoding

это НЕстабильный релиз

CriS 05.06.2005 22:46

Новый ISee Dev Build 23:10:53 05.06.2005


[-] some bugs with cache synchronization [*] code cleanup
[+] new manage modes for upload/deletion of shown/hidden local list contacts
[Добавлено ...]

Линк забыл... исправлюсь:
ISee Dev

flash666 05.06.2005 23:06

Почему-то после фикса бага с инвизами, в последних ISee вообще пропало понятие инвизибл. По идее, после получения сообщения от человека, находящегося в инвизе, его статус должен показываться как invisible, но он почему-то остается в оффлайне.. :(

CriS 05.06.2005 23:15

2 flash666

Вопросы и ответы в главной теме миранды.
Здесь тока инфа об обновлениях...

Ответ на твой вопрос здесь

Dragon31337 06.06.2005 01:25

Обновился ISee(dev build (23:10:53 05.06.2005)):

•DimON• 06.06.2005 19:40

В Обменник выложил только файл clist_mw, который был выложен в 20-ом билде миранды, сегодня.
• Скачать - ЗДЕСЬ

Skiminok 09.06.2005 09:13

Обновился Modern Contact List

Some other Loading fix (objects tree was not updated after loading)


flash666 10.06.2005 11:11


- added default colours (first custom colour) to colour pickers
- added 'PointSize' db format (works for clist_nicer)
- will recognise different clists and use the correct db storage format, hopefully (detects them by plugin dll name)

Miranda database - with AutoBackups

- added 'on exit command' for advanced users: add the db setting 'settings->db3x->ExitCommand' (string) using e.g. dbeditor++, and optionally 'ExitCommandParams' and 'ExitCommandDir', and the command will be run by calling 'ShellExecute' as the last thing the database module does (after having closed the handle on the database file)


- a metacontact will now assume the same 'IdleTS' (idle timestamp) when it's set for any subcontact

SergoZD 13.06.2005 23:22

ISee dev build (22:11:14 13.06.2005)

[-] auto detect & decode utf-8 in auth replies
[+] added 'Status Scan Complete' sound[*] put capablities in order. added Xstatus caps[*] more code cleanup. (status checking & userinfo update)[*] changed offline msgs timestaming again
[-] auto infoupdate now really works
[-] workaround for crash on opening userinfo on some machines
[-] workaround for msg sending to kopete and some other clients. (does it break anything?)
[+] ability to check your presence in contact's server-side ignore list from userinfo\ICQ tab (it doesnt work for offline contacts. and it is not stealth!) Greeting to AUR

CriS 14.06.2005 21:52

ISee dev build 21:41:08 14.06.2005


[-] filetransfer was broken in previous build. also crashing Miranda sometimes
ISee dev build

Skiminok 15.06.2005 19:25

Modern Contact List 15-06-05

[!] Small issue with new TopToolBar and thisrd party skining plugins

flash666 15.06.2005 23:50


- layout change, to look more like icolib (thx Faith Healer)
- bugfix: sometimes old font face persisted (thx bethoven)

flash666 16.06.2005 13:55


- small change: forgot to translate 'Background' when drawing options page font list


% Fixed Showing Notepad by conext menu
+ Notepad Reminder (now if in notepad some text, when you open message window you'll
see blinking icon in contact list and tray)(will blink 10sec)
+ Transparent container windows
% Fixed transparency (no need to be "fade" enabled, only transparency value)
+ Optional for every user sending of Typing Notifycation
+ Individual seting moved to separate window
% Fixed crash with closed window,but still opened smilies...

flash666 16.06.2005 23:08

Modern Contact List

[+] 16bpp screen depth full support (now works correctly after some fullscreen application, and transparensy on 16bpp etc.
[!] Painting routines continue to fix (Transparent .png, clipping, etc)
[!] New checkings were added to avoid crashes (in oprions screen)

flash666 17.06.2005 19:29

Modern Contact List

[!] fixed: 'if i set a jpeg image for Contacts, it doesn't appear at all if the transparency is less than 255 and the image is stretched both directions.'
[!] Fixed Move offline contact to bottom behaviour
[+] toptoolbar included

flash666 21.06.2005 23:05

Modern Contact List

[!] Subcontacts visibility states colors.
[!] Some memory leaks (thanks to ghazan)

SergoZD 22.06.2005 00:10


- bugfix: defaults not working until 'reset' is pressed

SergoZD 22.06.2005 07:48

ISee dev build (00:37:33 22.06.2005)
Ченджлог за последние два дня:

[*] speedup capability decoder. and now also decode XStatuses. (look in userinfo)
[-] fixed invisible status bug when no contacts were in visibile list and server side list was disabled
[-] fixed 'reupload not authed contacts'. seems like it was due to changes on servers[*] do not load nicks as UINs from server and also delete local custom nicks if they are stored as UINs

flash666 22.06.2005 11:10


- more bugfixes with defaults (thx Ghost)


- bugfix: crash on copying history when db event >8kb
- bugfix: history remove exiting too early

timsky 22.06.2005 11:30

MirandaFS - очень интересный плагин, объединяющий Миранду и Тотал :yees:

Плагин позволяет просматривать профили Miranda IM как файловую систему в ТоталКоммандере.
Вы можете работать сразу с несколькими профилями (и даже с используемыми в данный момент, при условии использоватия прокси-плагина к Миранде), просматривать и сохранять истории разговоров, удалять отдельные сообщения и целые контакты, копировать и переносить контакты со всей историей и настройками между профилями, просматривать статистику информацию о контактах и профилях, осуществлять сжатие (дефрагментацию) файлов профилей.
Для начала работы с профилем (*.dat) перетащите (или скопируйте) его на панель плагина.
Используйте на свой риск, не забывайте делать резервные копии профилей.
Сайт разработчика:

Для тех, у кого проблемы с настройкой/работой плагина:

timsky 23.06.2005 10:39

Smileyadd (fixed again) 1.4.7 теперь свежие версии этого плага вроде так будут называться. Зачем переименовывают :confused:

Fixed numerous crashes


anakarn 25.06.2005 00:24

Подскажите как называется плагин, позволяющий смотреть обновления миранды и модулей прямо из миранды? А то когда версия 0.3 была я его поставил, а после обновления до 0.4 снёс все плагины, т.к. глючили :(

flash666 25.06.2005 01:13


- fixed user selected properties (colours) that were not applied
- rewrote about property sheet page and added oppertunity to change all details
- added option to make protocol based contact information readonly

watson 25.06.2005 01:56


Сообщение от anakarn
Подскажите как называется плагин, позволяющий смотреть обновления миранды и модулей прямо из миранды? А то когда версия 0.3 была я его поставил, а после обновления до 0.4 снёс все плагины, т.к. глючили :(

устное замечание, читай правила темы, твой пост сюда

flash666 26.06.2005 16:09


-Supporting for miranda buton class
-Supporting for icolib(use with miranda buton class)
-Moved background options to Customize

timsky 27.06.2005 11:19

YAMN tweety 0.01 - доработанный YAMN

I wanted some feature in YAMN and decided to improve it.

+ icolib support.
+ keyboard flash support (just 10 sec) (thx TioDuke) needs Keyboard Notify Ext.
+ list of email can be sorted.
* left click on popup shows email list.
* better toptoolbar support.
Info: =
Download: =


Версия [24.06.2005]
- Исправлен баг с кавычками в именах контактов
- Добвалена возможность смены языка интерфейса
- Диалоги реагируют на нажатия кнопок на клавиатуре (Esc, Enter)
- Мелкие фиксы

SergoZD 27.06.2005 15:24

IEView Unstable Release

+ new templates: fileIn, fileOut, hFileIn, hFileOut, URLIn, URLOut, hURLIn, hURLOut
+ new variables: %statusMsg%, %nickIn%, %fileDesc%
+ escaped variables: %\name% %\text% etc.
* midnight-split message grouping
* improved Scriver compatibility
* bugfixes: swf support, memory leaks

CriS 28.06.2005 04:44

Ура, он таки доделал!



Перед установкой:

- Забекапить старые Tabsrmm*.dll и SmileyAdd.dll
- Сохранить тему(в контейнере меню Лог - Экспорт настроек лога)

После установки:

- Проверить все настройки
- Импортировать тему
- Проверить настройки шрифтов


Well, there is NO pre8. I decided to release it as .95, because I think that it's stable enough to do so. There are certainly still some bugs, and that's what the next few releases will focus on.

A few "highlights":

The info panel, showing various user informations, including the buddys avatar at the top of the message window. The panel can be resized with a splitter and this splitter follows the same rules as the message window splitter (global, private, saving policy). The info panel is a "per container" setting, but it is possible to override it per contact, if you need. There is also a "quick toggle" hotkey (Alt-I) to switch the info panel on / off qickly. However, this is temporarily and is not saved. To configure the info panel permanently, use the container options dialog OR the info panel menu, which is located right of the toolbar button with the status icon on it (a simple dropdown arrow).

Info panel and avatars: When the info panel is ON, the top avatar field shows the buddys avatar and the lower avatar field shows your own avatar (if it is set). You can set your own avatar for the message window by using the "load a local picture" menu entry. For MSN contacts, this will also set your MSN avatar. For ICQ and yahoo, that's not going to work, because these protocols do not (yet?) allow to set the avatar from an external plugin. So tabSRMMs avatar is private to the message window. Since there is still no unified avatar api, that also doesn't work in the opposite direction.

The info panel may show additional information like idle time, contacts local time (if a timezone has been set) and the extended status icon in front of the nickname (ICQJ/ISee only - recent builds needed). Tooltips were added: When you hover the status field, it will try to retrieve the status message. If you hover the nick field with an extended status icon present, it will explain the extended status in plain text. The little checkbox left of the avatar can be used to quickly toggle the status message tooltip.

Timezone support - ICQ provides a "local timezone" which can be set for any contact. If present, tabsrmm shows the local time of the contact in the info panel and you can switch the message log to show the buddys messages with his local timestamp instead of your own time.

For NON-ICQ contacts, you can use the tabSRMM user preferences (from the contacts context menu) to set a timezone from GMT-12 to GMT+12 so the "use contacts local time" feature can now work not only with ICQ contacts.

Idle support added. Idle contacts have their icons now dimmed, like on the contact list. That feature is optional ("Tabs and layout" option page). Also, idle time is shown in the info panel, if available.

Some notes, however.

Before upgrading:

backup your current tabsrmm DLL

backup your current smileyadd DLL

save your current theme settings (Message Log menu -> Export Message Log Settings)

After upgrading:

Review all the options (some internal stuff has changed)

Review container options for each of your containers. It's now possible to have global container options and/or global container size/position.

Review font settings, especially if you don't use font service plugin.

I consider this release "feature complete" now. Compared to .95pre7, there is a lot of new stuff, most importatnly, the info panel and dual avatar support, compared to .94, the changes are comprehensive.

The "roadmap".

.95 will be followed by a few bugfix releases. Minor enhancements of existing features may also happen, but nothing new. Once all major bugs are gone, there will be a 1.0.

The archive contains a new smileyadd.DLL which is based on the fixed version by bokra (which was posted to the file listing a few days ago). I added two more minor changes (tabSRMM related only)

* when activating the smiley selection window, a transparent container will not switch to "inactive" transparency setting anymore.

* closing the smiley selection window will *always* return focus to the msg input area. Previously, it did only after selecting a smiley, now it also does when you close the window by hitting ESC or just clicking somewhere else.



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