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Старый 28.06.2005, 04:44     # 40
Аватар для CriS
Регистрация: 02.06.2004
Адрес: Россия, Москва
Пол: Male
Сообщения: 365

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Ура, он таки доделал!



Перед установкой:

- Забекапить старые Tabsrmm*.dll и SmileyAdd.dll
- Сохранить тему(в контейнере меню Лог - Экспорт настроек лога)

После установки:

- Проверить все настройки
- Импортировать тему
- Проверить настройки шрифтов

Well, there is NO pre8. I decided to release it as .95, because I think that it's stable enough to do so. There are certainly still some bugs, and that's what the next few releases will focus on.

A few "highlights":

The info panel, showing various user informations, including the buddys avatar at the top of the message window. The panel can be resized with a splitter and this splitter follows the same rules as the message window splitter (global, private, saving policy). The info panel is a "per container" setting, but it is possible to override it per contact, if you need. There is also a "quick toggle" hotkey (Alt-I) to switch the info panel on / off qickly. However, this is temporarily and is not saved. To configure the info panel permanently, use the container options dialog OR the info panel menu, which is located right of the toolbar button with the status icon on it (a simple dropdown arrow).

Info panel and avatars: When the info panel is ON, the top avatar field shows the buddys avatar and the lower avatar field shows your own avatar (if it is set). You can set your own avatar for the message window by using the "load a local picture" menu entry. For MSN contacts, this will also set your MSN avatar. For ICQ and yahoo, that's not going to work, because these protocols do not (yet?) allow to set the avatar from an external plugin. So tabSRMMs avatar is private to the message window. Since there is still no unified avatar api, that also doesn't work in the opposite direction.

The info panel may show additional information like idle time, contacts local time (if a timezone has been set) and the extended status icon in front of the nickname (ICQJ/ISee only - recent builds needed). Tooltips were added: When you hover the status field, it will try to retrieve the status message. If you hover the nick field with an extended status icon present, it will explain the extended status in plain text. The little checkbox left of the avatar can be used to quickly toggle the status message tooltip.

Timezone support - ICQ provides a "local timezone" which can be set for any contact. If present, tabsrmm shows the local time of the contact in the info panel and you can switch the message log to show the buddys messages with his local timestamp instead of your own time.

For NON-ICQ contacts, you can use the tabSRMM user preferences (from the contacts context menu) to set a timezone from GMT-12 to GMT+12 so the "use contacts local time" feature can now work not only with ICQ contacts.

Idle support added. Idle contacts have their icons now dimmed, like on the contact list. That feature is optional ("Tabs and layout" option page). Also, idle time is shown in the info panel, if available.

Some notes, however.

Before upgrading:

backup your current tabsrmm DLL

backup your current smileyadd DLL

save your current theme settings (Message Log menu -> Export Message Log Settings)

After upgrading:

Review all the options (some internal stuff has changed)

Review container options for each of your containers. It's now possible to have global container options and/or global container size/position.

Review font settings, especially if you don't use font service plugin.

I consider this release "feature complete" now. Compared to .95pre7, there is a lot of new stuff, most importatnly, the info panel and dual avatar support, compared to .94, the changes are comprehensive.

The "roadmap".

.95 will be followed by a few bugfix releases. Minor enhancements of existing features may also happen, but nothing new. Once all major bugs are gone, there will be a 1.0.

The archive contains a new smileyadd.DLL which is based on the fixed version by bokra (which was posted to the file listing a few days ago). I added two more minor changes (tabSRMM related only)

* when activating the smiley selection window, a transparent container will not switch to "inactive" transparency setting anymore.

* closing the smiley selection window will *always* return focus to the msg input area. Previously, it did only after selecting a smiley, now it also does when you close the window by hitting ESC or just clicking somewhere else.

Спорить с тренером по борьбе может только тренер по стрельбе!
Стрельба из Лука

Последний раз редактировалось CriS; 28.06.2005 в 04:54. Причина: Баг!!!
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